“Are Email Addresses Case Sensitive?” is a common question which individuals or sometimes businesses think of. Businesses and individuals create different email addresses either for professional or personal purposes. Email addresses can be named through various combinations of upper and lower case letters which can reflect and impact the style of your brand. You must have heard about Case sensitive term and if not, let us dive into the world of Case sensitivity and how it impacts the creation of email addresses.
In this article, we will cover the following topics –
- Email Address Standards
- Are email addresses case sensitive?
- International symbols
- Special Characters
- Handling of different things by email services
- Best practices for creating a valuable email address
- So what next?
Table of Contents
Email Address Standards
Everything in the digital world revolves around complying with laid standards which a business/individual needs to follow for establishing their account. Otherwise, the text would not be recognized by the email servers. Moreover, the wrong command or syntax can leave you revolving into the vast digital world.
According to Statista, in the world of chat applications and messengers, email users reached to 3.9 Billion in 2019 and is expected to reach around 4.48 Billion in 2024.
Having said that, you must be wondering how many people use emails on a daily basis. Not only this but there will be so many email addresses created per individual or business. Hence, there is a need for creating email address standards to protect its users. You must be thinking that what are these standards and what should be kept in mind while creating an email address. Don’t worry, most of these standards you must know, but you might not be aware of them as standards. Let’s quickly look into these standards and clear your confusion.
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Username Standards:
All the information that you put before the symbol of @ is the email local part or in simple words the Username. While creating the username, you can use any number from 0-9 and can use Latin characters up to 64 characters. Username is the unique address for an individual or firm and no one can make the same username as yours. Isn’t complying with username standard so easy! I bet now you would know what is the username.
Domain Standards:
The email server is the information after the symbol of @ which lets the web understand to whom the email is to be sent. Similar to username standard, one can use any number from 0-9, however, not 64, but 255 characters can be used.
Whether you create/open a social media account or you need to buy something online, a valid email address is necessary. A correct email address should be in [email protected]. For example, [email protected]
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Are email addresses case sensitive?
So now we have understood the basic of an Email address. Let’s come to our main topic-“Are email addresses case sensitive?”.
The answer to this question is NO. Before sending out any Email, people do check the proper capitalization. However, the question is what happens if you compose your email without looking into the proper email address capitalization? Don’t worry, the messages will still be delivered.
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Another question is Are Emails case sensitive mentioned in the address field? Similar to the above answer, the answer to this question is also NO. However, sometimes there can be exceptions to this. Let’s take email accounts having different case sensitive combinations or different upper and lower case letters having the same address.
The above 2 email addresses just have different lower and upper case combinations. However, one will not choose the second address since it takes a long time to decipher. Also, sometimes, the interpretation of the capitalization cannot be deciphered correctly by an outdated program/server.
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Username of the email address being sensitive can create confusion and communication issues. So, there is a high chance that your messages are not likely to be delivered to the desired address. There are only a few free email services that fix the address if it typed wrong by taking the information stored in their server. So sometimes, your mistake gets fixed and the message is sent without any mistake. But other times, the message is also delivered but to the wrong address if the username is wrong. Hence, be alert and smart while creating your email address.
Read about how to make your email marketing strategy and increase your conversions using power of emails.
Businesses in real-world look for their options while creating an email address through which not only the option of sending emails is fulfilled but also a platform which can build customer relationship stronger. Sendinblue and Constant Contact are among the many email business platforms which can help you in achieving the same. Sendinblue provides the clients with a cloud-based technology for communicating with their clients through transactional email, landing pages, email marketing along with customer relationship management. You can look out for more options and explore the platform by just clicking here.
Both Sendinblue and Constant Contact provide its users with free trials. Sendinblue offers 9000 emails to be sent monthly where 300 emails can be sent out in a day to numerous contacts. Sendinblue offers transactional emails which can be set up through SMTP relay/API or Plugins. Just SIGN UP FREE and know yourself about all the features which make your life easy in the email marketing world.

Constant Contact is another Email marketing company who offers there plans with $20/mo where unlimited emails can be sent out to 500 subscribers. Features like automated responses to emails can be sent after meeting specified triggers. Not only this, but the feature of drag and drop editor makes Constant Contact more efficient. Click here to know more about Constant Contact features.

International symbols
Are you Russian, Greek or Chinese and wondering whether International Symbols can be used in an email address? Not only foreigners but also individuals having an overseas business are familiar with various other languages which don’t use Latin characters or alphabets. Don’t worry!! Sendinblue is here to your rescue.
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Sendinblue fully supports international symbols. Clients can send their email campaigns even when there are non-Latin or ASCII characters in the username of the contacts email address.
Do you know that Unicode acts as a bridge which helps in bringing together the Latin symbols and international symbols? Through Unicode, emails can be received and sent in different languages such as Japanese or German. All the email service providers don’t support international symbols. However, why to worry when the hustle-free way to create email addresses in a foreign language other than Latin through Sendinblue is just one click away. Create Sendinblue account with international characters in an email address.
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However, let me tell you a vast chunk of communication through Email is conducted by ASCII or Latin symbols encoding standards. This is the basic syntax as well as text language where communication takes place between different devices and computers.
Special Characters
There are many special characters which can be used while creating your email address which have valuable appeal. However, different standards are imposed by different services. Generally, the below characters are recognized as special characters by email servers.
! # $ % & ‘ * + – = ^ _ {} ~
You must be wondering whether Gmail allows all of the special characters since you must not have seen some of these used in the email addresses. YES!! you got it right, Gmail doesn’t allow all of the above mentioned special characters.
& = _ ‘ – + ,
The above characters are not allowed by Gmail. Not only this but less than and more than brackets are not allowed in email addresses. It’s true that unique addresses might make you stand out from general addresses, however, it’s good resisting the usage of special characters.
Handling of different things by email services
You must be having numerous questions revolving around email case sensitive and does all major servers have case sensitive email addresses. One of the biggest ISP, i.e., Gmail along with other internet service providers which capture a large share in market like, Outlook or Yahoo generally takes a neutral attitude for case sensitive username addresses. Individuals and businesses can make the use of uppercase letters in their username if they wish to.
Not common to cause issues in receiving as well as sending messages having uppercase letters in one’s email address.
Best practices for creating a valuable email address
Nobody wants to get confused when typing their email address for logging in or the receiver’s email address for sending out messages. In our busy lives, one wants a simple address which is recognized by the recipient along with the internet service providers as well. Also, no one would want to think hard after day-long work for a tricky mail address.
Below are the few tips which can help you creating a hustle free email address:
Restricted use of periods: Surely spaces can make your email address readable. However, their usage is limited by some email providers.
Uppercase Letters- By avoiding uppercase letters, there is a reduction of server confusion which makes the email address more readable.
Simple- The email address needs to be simple so that they can be easily memorized with zero hustle. Let us keep special characters along with any pun for posting on social media sites.
Following the standards- Follow that email address which follows the best practices.
So what next?
So now you must be equipped with the knowledge of “Are emails case sensitive”. Since you now understand the syntax for email addresses, you could now help others understand the same and tell them where to go if they need to use email addresses for International symbols.
Just make sure that you are happy with how your email address looks like and check the requirements for your domain name provided by your Email servers. I think we have answered all your questions about are emails case sensitive?
General FAQ’s
Are outlook rules case sensitive?
The characters in the email address should match and if they do there is no issue whether the email address is alternating or in upper case letters. Hence, there is no case sensitivity in email addresses.
Are Gmail addresses case sensitive?
The simple answer is NO. There is no issue of case sensitivity in Gmail addresses.
Do capital letters matter in email addresses Gmail?
Lower or capital letters act as same in the email arena on the Internet. There is no distinction made in the lower or upper case letters by computer servers. For instance, [email protected] and [email protected] and [email protected] are same for servers.
Is it ok to forward email without permission?
It is okay to forward email without permission. However, the publishing or forwarding emails which have copyright from the author when they were created can lead to copyright infringement. So just look out before what you are forwarding. Also, read the can-spam act of marketing before sending your email campaigns.